Monday, April 16, 2012

Who Killed The Electric Car?

Entry #8
Who Killed The Electric Car was an eye-opening film. I had no idea that the car company’s had made such an efficient electric car years ago. In all honesty the film made me furious at the greed which runs rampant in today’s society. In my opinion there is NO reason EVERYONE shouldn’t be driving electric cars today. These are facts which should end anybody’s argument against the electric car: they are quieter, cleaner, and cheaper to run than gas-powered cars. However, big business has a vested interest in keeping the electric car off the market. They want top dollar for oil, if electric cars were readily available they would no longer enjoy humongous profit margins at the hands of hard-working people. With a struggling economy, unemployment soaring, and an ever-shrinking supply of oil, big businesses should be ashamed of there lack of enthusiasm in exploring alternative energy sources. Sadly, we live in a society where the value of money far exceeds the intrinsic value of the Earth and one’s fellow man. In fear of sounding like I am trying to suck up, I fully intend to buy a newer more efficient car when I have the funds to do so. The money I save in gas will in essence make the car pay for itself. I hope in years to come we see more electric cars on the road and less close- mindedness to the research and implantation of alternative energy. 

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