Monday, April 16, 2012

Ecological Footprint

Entry #7
It was defiantly an eye-opening experience when I took the “What is your ecological footprint?” assessment. I was very surprised to learn that if everyone lived like me it would take 4.9 Earths to support the world. Before doing this assessment I would have never imagined my ecological footprint would be so high. Like most problems, this activity highlights how educating people about a problem’s existence is the first step in solving it. The site advised me I could lessen my impact on the Earth by making a few practical changes. For example, lowering my intake of meat would help because of how much land, energy, and resources are needed to produce meat. Another example would be to buy my food at local businesses who sell the fruits, vegetables, etc, themselves. I had never considered this option. Another suggestion was that I vacation locally instead of flying multiple times a year. Since Florida does have so many beautiful landscapes that is a practical solution. Lastly, the site also suggested that I carpool more. This is a possibility since several of my friends and family members also attend FGCU. This exercise was definitely educational and a good reminder of the interrelatedness of all of our actions. While I won't radically change my lifestyle as a result of finding my ecological footprint, I will strive to make some minor adjustments which will positively impact the planet. 

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