Monday, April 16, 2012


Entry #1


I enjoyed the trip to the Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization facility. Also know as ECHO. ECHO's main purpose is to provide those who are struggling throughout the world with life-changing equipment and innovative farming strategies. Another thing I commend them for is actively seeking out smaller and struggling organizations and learning if there is anyway they can provide assistance. It was interesting to see the rudimentary yet effective equipment. The various methods of cooking food and purifying water using only sunlight was impressive. I also enjoyed seeing the natural fence; I thought that was very creative and pragmatic. Also, seeing the many different water pumps was an eye-opener. I had no idea it took so little to make an effective water pump. The difference between Americans and other poorer nations is that we regarded the pumps as a kind of novelty, where those in poorer countries would almost worship these life-saving devices. I also enjoyed seeing the urban garden; that is a practical response to the ever-changing industrialized world. My favorite part of the trip was seeing how the pond, ducks, tilapia, and goats all worked together to create a self-sustaining environment. It highlights the brilliance of nature and the interconnectedness of all living things. The trip to ECHO was very fun and informative. 

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