Monday, April 16, 2012

African Land Deals

Entry #11

     I was shocked and saddened to learn about the exploitative land deals which are taking place in some of the World’s poorest countries. In Africa foreign investors are being sold massive plots of land for cheap, or in exchange for promises of infrastructure, job opportunities, and other industrial necessities. Tragically, the African government is making these exploitative deals without getting the input of their fellow countrymen. What is worse is that the greedy governments are oftentimes selling land right out from under the rightful owners. In most of these cultures land deeds don’t exists because everything has historically be done through word of mouth. Furthermore, research has shown that the promises by foreign investors to end poverty and create jobs happens on a minute scale, if at all. These poor nations are in severe need of help. They receive billions of dollars in aid and yet a third of the population is malnourished. It would be in the best interest of Africa and those who provide monetary support to see Africa reach its full potential. In my opinion, the finical support needs to be tied to the country making strides to becoming self-sustaining. Currently we often hear stories about how the corrupt government keeps the food and money and gives it to only a select few. Inadvertently, we are supporting the oppression of the people we are trying to help. I think countries who receive aid should have to show proof of fledgling gardens, or the support would be scaled back or cut. While drastic, I think it would be an efficient motivator. If Africa is given the chance to reach its potential it will not only help that nation, but the world. 

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