Monday, April 16, 2012


Entry #3


     Sustainability to me means using resources in a responsible manner to ensure that adequate resources will be available for use in the future. The purpose of this course is to promote awareness about how the current irresponsible uses of Earth’s resources threatens the sensitive balance of the planet. I can easily apply the concept of sustainability to myself in regards to money. Like the Earth, I only have a limited number of resources. If I constantly spend more money than I make, I will soon find myself bankrupt. Similarly, if people and corporations don’t become more pragmatic about how they spend the Earth’s resources, we could find ourselves bankrupt of all natural resources. It is important that I am mindful of my funds and resist the urge to buy things I want now but can’t afford. I must think long-term and delay instant gratification. Sadly, most corporations and people don’t apply this concept to the Earth. They seem to only think of how much money can they make now, and forgo any concerns about the future. Without question, the concept of sustainability needs to be on the forefront of everyone’s mind. If we wait until it is too late all the money in the world can not save the greedy businessmen or the uninformed consumer from their destructive ways.

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